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Creating Your Dream Home: Unveiling the Secrets to Designing and Decorating Your Property


Uncover the allure of design and decor synergy for remarkable, valuable homes—embracing classics, trends, and value-boosting insights.
Photo courtesy of FLOR

Creating Your Dream Home: Unveiling the Secrets to Designing and Decorating Your Property

Design and decor go hand in hand to create some of the most stunning and lucrative properties in the world, but how do you capture this magic for yourself? Instead of guessing through questionable home decor and design magazines, it's a good idea to know what's classic, what's a trend, and what will boost your home's value through the roof.


These are the top industry secrets to boost your home to the next level and why it's vital to do so!

1. High Quality and Sturdy Flooring

Your floors will tell a story about your property, so what are they saying? Carpet is a high-risk flooring because it holds onto everything from dirt to dust, pet dander, food crumbs, and anything else that touches it. On the other hand, hardwood flooring is prone to staining, dents, cracks, discoloration, and more.

Look for high-quality laminate flooring that can look awesome and is built to last as long as possible.

2. Cut Down on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution, unwanted sound, and distractions are all terrible things that most homeowners hate. Unfortunately, many of us don’t recognize this issue until we’ve already decorated and filled our property with things.

Instead of allowing this to happen, it’s a good idea to stop and think about how you can make your home as soundproof as possible. Including things like acoustic wall art, increased insulation, and even soundproofing wall panels can all make your home far quieter and create a space that feels soothing and calm.

3. Invest in Your Curb Appeal

Your property can look a thousand times better if you give it a chance to wow people from the outside in. Curb appeal is the most affordable yet most overlooked portion of many home’s designs. 

Of course, you can go for an all-green classic lawn that’s mowed and edged, but you can also do so much more than that. In recent years many have been turning to using native plants, adding rain gardens, including natural stone, and even sculpture to make their home’s exterior feel like a natural extension of its interior.


4. Consider Your Material Preferences

What materials will make your property feel like home? For some, they need more eco-friendly items, while for others, they prefer products that are durable and built to last as long as possible.

Think about what matters most to you and what you’d like to have over the next ten to twenty years of your life. If this is a property that you’re considering selling, know that over 30% of buyers are more likely to buy an eco-friendly property.


5. Budget and Plan Far Ahead of Time

Budgeting and planning are the least fun parts of home design, but they’re important nonetheless. Before you buy a single pillow or chair, ensure that you’ve planned how the entire home is going to work. 

Planning ahead and looking at bathroom shiplap ideas, or keeping an eye on deals for flooring, can all help you save money and stick to your budget better.

Remember to give yourself at least a little wiggle room in your budget, but don’t treat that wiggle room as anything other than emergency money. You don’t want to spend more just because you can.

6. Learn and Follow the Rules Before Breaking Them

There are some home decor and renovation rules that are good to follow regardless of the style of your property. Things like keeping art at eye level, and pulling furniture at least six inches away from walls in seating areas to make a room feel larger, are all fantastic: but they’re guidelines. 

If you want to break these rules and create a space that’s unique and quirky, you can, but it’s vital that those breaks are few and far between. If you have one painting or picture that’s a foot or two lower than eye level, it only stands out as interesting and fun if every other image has followed the rule.

7. Consider What Makes You Happy

If this is your home, and you’re going to live in it for the unforeseeable future, then it’s time to stop and also consider what makes you happy. Something that makes every impressive and interesting home so good is that it plays into the owner’s personality and becomes unique through their personal taste.

If any of these design tips aren’t your style, or you can’t imagine coming home to them at the end of the day: don’t use them! Style and taste are entirely up to what you enjoy, and creating a home that ties that into what’s fashionable will make it a masterpiece.

Your Dream Home is More Possible Than You Know!

You don’t have to be asleep to see your dream home! Instead, consider working with Bridge to Brow to create a home that will inspire buyers to pay far more than your property’s original value.   Any home can become incredible.


Sam Willis is a freelance writer that loves sharing his knowledge and expertise in residential and commercial real estate, as well as engineering and construction. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia where he enjoys spending time with his wife and researching real estate trends in his free time. Sam’s work as a freelance writer can be found on Building Product Advisor, a new construction industry resource site.
